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Chapter Videos:
1. Introduction
2. Camera Solve in Nuke
3. Prepping Scene
4. Camera WriteOut
5. Scene Orientation
6. Environment Build
7. Collision Proofing
8. Wall UV Layout
9. Projection Baking
10. Photoshop Merge
11. Geo To Houdini
12. 360 HDRI Build
13. Houdini Setup
14. Lighting Setup
15. Initial Shatter Setup
16. Impact Object
17. Glue Constraint
18. Spatial Constraints
19. Interior Detailing
20. Advanced Voronoi
21. Shard UVS / Materials
22. Particle Instancing
23. Creating Smoke
24. Pyro Shader
25. Render Passes Setup
26. Composite Overview
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